
How to edit your presentation

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 7 months ago


Please read Content and structure of your presentation to get good advise on a structure!


Naming your page

Use your name! You make a link by putting a bracket [ in front of your name, and a ] after it.

Begin by visit the Alphabetical list, klick the "edit page" button in the top. If your don't see the "edit page" button, you have to log in first. Place your name in brackets in the alphabetical order. Klick the "save" button, then your name appear as blue text with red underlineing. Klick your name and a new page will be made. Edit your page and do remeber AFTER that first text edit to put your name in brackets in the list of your contry (or contries).


Note that you have to edit your text from one startingpoint or it won't appear as the same page reachable from different lists.



Add links to your own web sites or other places on the net. Do write http:// in front of the www and it will be linked directly.



Resolution: 72 dpi

Size: About 400x300 px

Note that only .jpg is a valid format for photos.

Name the images with your name in some easy version so you easily can change them (and delete them if not used).


When you edit pictures, first up load them via the "file" button.

When the images are uploaded, retur to your wiki page and go into "edit page" mode:

after a short while your image appear to the right under Images. Place the curser where you like to insert the picture and the just click the small image icon.


Three categories

Used for searching in the archive. Look into the list of INTUITIVE SEARCH, at the base of that page is also the Alphabetical search to be found. Choose three categories you want to be found by. Put your name in brackets + short text (15 words) at three different pages that you can relate to.



If you need edit advise, visit the help function in the wiki. Or send me an e-mail: liv@larm-festival.se (it might take a while for me to answer).

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