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Monica Aasprong

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago

Monica Aasprong

B. 1969 in Norway. Lives in Sweden.


2004-2005 Guest student, Institute of Fine Arts at Konstfack, Stockholm.

1995-98 Master studies comparative literature, University of Bergen.

1994-95 Creative writing, advanced college in Telemark.

1993 Dramatist-workshop at Skrivekunstakademiet in Bergen.

1993 Cand. mag (Nordic languages), Stockholm University.

First soundwork: Soldatmarkedet (Soldier’s market), 2005. Installation. With the Norwegian composer Maja Solveig Kjelstrup Ratkje. For more information about this work:



Soldatmarkedet is a text-work in several parts published/exhibited in different forums, literary journals and books. It consists of poetry and concretistic text- and soundworks as well as visual objects.


In the cooperation with composer Maja Ratkje, she made a soundwork based on the graphic structures of four of my texts, and the material she used was a recording of my voice while reading a poem belonging to the project. Besides four cd-players and head-sets the installation includes three diptychs and a triptych.


My publications: mellom Alex Gobulev og meg (between Alex Gobulev and me), novel, Tiden forlag 1997. Soldatmarkedet, chap-book at Biblioteket Gasspedal 2003. Soldatmarkedet, poetry, Damm & Søn, 2006.







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